Instructional Data Processing, Analysis & Visualization Portfolio

Link Description (status) Language
PT PG (authentication required) On-demand generated Proficiency Test report for Canadian & U.S. wastewater surveillance, with plots & tables piped directly from project base code and exportable as html, pdf. Program workflow described in lightning talk R, Quarto
Lost in London travel-plans - crosstalk to generate & highlight leaflet map with locations of interest, based on opening times and priority (completed; maybe add a checklist/afterthoughts) R
Terzetto Platform to accept upload, process & “live”-visualize data from three parties (public health, university, government agency) in a half-year pilot project parallel-sampling wastewater for flu and SARS-CoV-2, using googlesheets4 to access secured backend R, flexdashboard
Foodprint anonymized Regional organic and organic-in-residuals waste disposal routes & associated GHG emissions. Workflow & results geospatial visualization (stage completion; in further development as part of ongoing study) R
SCADAmata anonymized treatment plant operational, chemistry surface water data dashboard (completed in different forms for three remedial & solids waste facilities) R, Excel macros, SQL
Shiver Me Timbers Environmental Data Hackathon - visually explain regional Forest Decline Index, view forest health & climate trend; authored by cross-discipline/ministry team (complete - in further development by primary author Tableau
Precip Perchance prototype automating annual precipitation analysis (looking for multi-year low’s/high’s) at a locale, for conservation authority usage (complete) R
Carto-credo comparative side-by-side R vs. QGIS workflow to ingest, perform buffer analysis, & visualize waste management sites geospatial data (draft completion; to be expanded) R, QGIS
Icebreaker Map on-the-fly geospatial demo using icebreaker responses from USGS Data Carpentry workshop, Geospatial with R as instructor (completed) R, GoogleEarth
[Workshop Markdown Prep] preparatory checks demonstrating quick use of Markdown in Jupyter Notebook shared with attendees from USGS Data Carpentry workshop, Python, Shell & Git as instructor (scheduled) Markdown
Moz-Art Dashboarding & flowcharting process to result from Science to Materiality workshop held by Convergence Initiative (neuroscience & arts cross-disciplinary group, Concordia University) (completed) R
Qin Automating textual extraction, files-scrapping & organization from a website on history & music of the Chinese ancient zither (functional code completed) Python on Jupyter Notebook
[Glycol Gliders] flowcharting excerpt from data plan documentation and “mental maps” reference print-outs for operator training, as instructor and project lead R

@ https://github.com/jjyh

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